Future Sense · 99. Political and Economic Trends About this Episode: Events that have impacted financial markets since the Economic Confidence Model turning point on 18 January, 2020, including US politics and international travel restrictions. Recorded in Byron Bay,...
Future Sense · 98. Multidimensional Awareness - Part 2 About this Episode: As we open to second tier consciousness our multidimensional awareness expands rapidly, bringing significant advances in what we can sense and understand. Recorded on 3rd February, 2020 in...
Future Sense · 97. Multidimensional Awareness - Part 1 About this Episode: We are all born with some awareness of other dimensions of reality, including our dreams. How we make sense of these realms is a factor of our dominant value system, which typically changes as...
Future Sense · 96. Coronavirus About this Episode: Discussion of the coronavirus outbreak timeline and how different countries have responded. Recorded on 3rd February, 2020 in Byron Bay, Australia. Links and resources BayFM Radio www.bayfm.org The Change Code...
Future Sense · 95. Corruption About this Episode: Ethical frameworks are developed within communal themed value systems and inevitably corrupted by individual themed value systems. When you hear the word ‘corruption’ it indicates a values mismatch and therefore a need...