Future Sense · 119. After COVID-19, What's Next? About this Episode: The global values revolution is now centre stage. Knowing the motivations of the old and new value systems, we discuss what to expect next. Recorded on 5 April, 2020; broadcast on 6 April, 2020,...
Future Sense · 118. The Complexity of the COVID-19 Shutdown About this Episode: Teasing apart the complexity of the COVID-19 response by looking at human value systems and some pre-existing global challenges that haven’t gone away. Recorded on 5 April, 2020;...
Future Sense · 117. Planetary Reboot - The Economic Impact About this Episode: Most people have already been touched by the economic impact of shutdowns. We look at the impending emergency action by reserve banks and point to some signals from the future. Please...
Future Sense · 116. Planetary Reboot - COVID-19 Update About this Episode: Emerging COVID-19 trends as the control measures begin to have an impact in western countries. Forecast casualty figures are revised downwards, indicating an initial overreaction. Please note:...
Future Sense · 115. Talkin' Bout an Evolution About this Episode: Steve McDonald calls in from Edinburgh to discuss potential opportunities for human consciousness shifts, and what we might expect as the coronavirus spreads and the systems of the current paradigm...