About this Episode:
The process of alignment requires giving attention to the whole of a system, whether you’re building a house or attending to your personal development. In dynamic systems it’s an ongoing process, not a one-off task.
Recorded on 27th January, 2020, in Byron Bay, Australia.
Links and resources
Byron Shire Echo: Local leading the charge to bring psychedelic medicines out of the shadows (Article) https://www.echo.net.au/2020/01/local-leading-charge-bring-psychedelic-medicines-shadows/
Nassim Haramein – Dual torus/yin yang animation (Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3Eg5jKsaY
Live Science: A burst of gravitational waves hit our planet. Astronomers have no clue where it’s from (Article) https://www.livescience.com/mysterious-gravitational-burst.html
BayFM Radio www.bayfm.org
The Change Code book https://thechangecode.net