About this Episode:

Emerging COVID-19 trends as the control measures begin to have an impact in western countries. Forecast casualty figures are revised downwards, indicating an initial overreaction.

Please note: The BayFM studio is currently closed in response to the coronavirus. There are some sound quality issues in this week’s podcast due to remote recording. We are working to rectify this for future editions.

Recorded on 29th March; broadcast on 30th March, 2020, in Byron Bay, Australia.

Links and resources

Gov.UK – High consequence infectious diseases (HCID) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid

Birx cautions against inaccurate models predicting significant coronavirus spread (Article) https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/489774-birx-cautions-against-inaccurate-models-predicting-signficant-coronavirus

Daily Mail UK – Could coronavirus crisis be over by EASTER? Government advisor whose predictions led to lockdown says he is ‘confident’ NHS can remain within capacity and the worst may have passed within three weeks (Article) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8153613/Could-coronavirus-crisis-EASTER-Advisor-confident-NHS-remain-capacity.html 

Music by Stellardrone (free) https://stellardrone.bandcamp.com  
The Change Code book https://thechangecode.net