About this Episode:

We discuss the links between growing moral outrage, disruptive change and the evolution of human values.

Recorded on 24th February, 2020 in Byron Bay, Australia.


Links and resources

Tanya Luna: Guilt, Moral Outrage, and an Oscar Speech (Article) https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/surprise/202002/guilt-moral-outrage-and-oscar-speech

Molly Crockett: Moral Outrage Overload? How Social Media May be Changing our Brains (Article) https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/09/25/molly-crockett-social-media-outrage/

Psychology Today: The Psychology of Moral Outrage (Article) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psychology-tomorrow/202002/the-psychology-moral-outrage

Psychology Today: When Moral Outrage Goes Viral, It Can Come Across as Bullying (Article) https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/when-moral-outrage-goes-viral-it-can-come-across-as-bullying.html

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology: On the difference between moral outrage and empathic anger: Anger about wrongful deeds or harmful consequences (Article) https://isiarticles.com/bundles/Article/pre/pdf/119220.pdf

BayFM www.bayfm.org
The Change Code book https://thechangecode.net